Course Code: BOS12
English II
BD Orientation, II Semester, 4 Credit Hours, Senate Paper
Course Outline
I. Reading
- Use a few texts containing different types of comprehension passages-informative, reflective, narrtative, descriptive, etc.
- Apart from vocabulary and pronunciation, tasks on scanning, skin1ming, intensive reading, grasping the central idea, etc. should be given.
II. Writing
- The making of notes on reading is a skill of great value to learners. It should, therefore, be taught and practised in the class
- Other forms of written comprehension-letter writing of various kinds, paragraph writing, report writings, writing of short descriptive, narrative, and expository pieces, recommendation letters, minutes, evaluation reports- should be practised.
- Written work should regularly be done several times every week rather than continuously for an hour or two once a week.
III. Speaking
- Awareness of the right pronunciation of words should be promoted by the use of the phonetic transcription and a key to the symbols be used.
- Correct stressing should be emphasized
- Group activities may usefully support many oral drills in the use of grammatical patterns
- Small groups may be asked to compose short reports on given topic. The spokesman/woman for each of the groups will take notes of the discussion and then present the report of the group on & whole.
- Dramatization may be used as a technique for language, particularly in indirect narration, and to improve the students’ spoken English.